PANDORA Concept Stores

1., Trattnerhof 2
10.00–19.00 (Mo–We), 10.00–19:30 (Th–Fr), 10.00–18.00 (Sa)

6., Mariahilfer Str. 41–43, across from Peek & Cloppenburg
10.00–19.00 (Mo–We), 10.00–19:30 (Th–Fr), 10.00–18.00 (Sa)

2334 Vösendorf, Shopping City Süd / TOP G 105
10.00–19.00 (Mo–We), 10.00–19:30 (Th–Fr), 10.00–18.00 (Sa)

With our beautiful jewellery sets you can demonstrate your affection to your loved ones. Exceptional and individual.
In our stores you will definitely find the fitting piece to immortalise your unforgettable moments, or to surprise your loved ones with a well thought gift. We will gladly give you our consultation.

1., Stephansplatz 7 (Ecke Rotenturmstraße)
Mo–So: 10.00–21.00

10., Am Hauptbahnhof 1
Mo–So: 9.00–21.00

Unit 116, Designer Outlet Straße 1 / 7111 Parndorf
Mo–Do: 9.30–20.00, Fr: 9.30–21.00, Sa: 9.00–18.00

Die Haselnusscremeschnitte in der rosafarbenen Verpackung ist nicht nur Österreichs beliebteste Waffel sie genießt auch schon längst Kultstatus. Und das in mehr als 50 Ländern der Welt. Seit mehr als 125 Jahren steht der Name Manner für Süßigkeiten mit höchstem Qualitätsanspruch, die – selbstverständlich – auch heute nach Originalrezepturen mit besten Zutaten hergestellt werden. Nachhaltigkeit ist im Hause Manner kein Marketingbegriff sondern seit jeher gelebter Bestandteil eines höchst erfolgreichen Familienunternehmens.

These hazelnut cream wafers in pink packaging are not only Austria’s most popular wafer, but have also enjoyed cult status for a long time. And this in more than 50 countries around the world. For more than 125 years, the name Manner has been associated with sweets of the highest quality standards, which are produced according to original recipes and with the best quality ingredients right up to the present day. Sustainability is not just a marketing term at Manner, but instead it has always been an integral part of the highly successful family business.

1., Graben 30
09.00–18.30 (Mo–Fr), 10.00–17.00 (Sa)

SISI Vienna – Fashion Salon

1., Annagasse 11
10.00–19.00 (Mo–Fr), 10.00–21.00 (Do), 10.00–18.00 (Sa)

Technisches Museum
09.00–18.00 (Mo-Fr) | 10.00–18.00 (Sa, So)
14., Mariahilfer Str. 212
+43 1 899980

Gemäldegalerie d. Akademie d. bild. Künste
10.00–18.00 (außer Dienstag)
1., Lobkowitzplatz 2
+43 1 58816 2201

(um 1450/55 – 1516) Weltgerichts-Triptychon.
The Paintings Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna has moved to its guest location at the Theatermuseum’s Palais Lobkowitz. For around three years while the Academy building on Schillerplatz is extensively renovated. This new venue offers a chance to re-discover the collection and, in particular, to view the world-famous heart of the Paintings Gallery, Hieronymus Bosch’s (c. 1450/55–1516) Last Judgment triptych, in a new setting.
Heeresgeschichtliches Museum
09.00–18.00 (We), 10.00–18.00 (Sa,Su)
3., Arsenal, Objekt 1
+43 (1) 79561-0

Haus des Meeres
09.00–18.00 (Mo–So), 09.00–21.00 (Do)
6., Fritz-Grünbaum-Platz 1
+43 1 5871417

Sigmund Freund Museum
9., Berggasse 19
+43 1 3191596

The house Berggasse 19 is one of the most famous addresses of Vienna. Here Sigmund Freud lived and worked from 1891 to his emigration in 1938. In the rooms one can look into Freud‘s life and work. Temporary exhibitions are also hosted. Included in the museum is a library with 35,000 volumes, Europe‘s largest library on Psychoanalysis, and the research institute of the
Sigmund-Freud society. The temporary exhibition “This is the strong sex” –
Women in Psychoanalysis, runs until 1st October.
Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
09.00–17.00 (Mo–So)
1., Josefsplatz 1
(+43 1) 534 10

Herz der Sammlung ist die reiche Privatbibliothek von Prinz Eugen, der neben seinen Erfolgen am Schlachtfeld auch leidenschaftlicher Büchersammler war.The 77 metres long State Hall of the National Library is one of the most precious library halls of the world and among the most impressive interiors of Austria. Of the rich collection, the private library of Prinz Eugen of Savoy is the most precious. Besides his success on the battlefield, he was a passionate collector of books.

Kaffeehäuser / coffee houses
Café Central
07.30–20.00 Uhr (Mo–Sa), 10.00–20.00 Uhr (Su)
1., Ecke Herrengasse/Strauchgasse, U3-Haltestelle Herrengasse
+43 1 5333763

Situated in the Palais Ferstel, the Café Central has been one of the traditional cafés of the city since 1876. Unique architecture, combined with excellent Viennese cuisine and finest home-made patisserie, make every visit a special event.
09.00–19.00 Uhr (Mo–Su)
1., Kohlmarkt 14, U3-Haltestelle Herrengasse
+43 1 535 17 17 – 0

A paradise for lovers of the art of confectionery of the highest level. Exquisite chocolates, exclusively hand made confectioneries, finest bakery wares and a coffee culture of highest class create an ecstasy for pallet and eyes.
Café Sacher
11.00–23.00 Uhr (Mo–Su)
1., Philharmonikerstrasse 4, U4/U2-Haltestelle Karlsplatz
+43 1 51 456 661

Café Hawelka
08.00–00.00 Uhr (Mo–We), 08.00–01.00 Uhr (Th– Sa), 10.00–00.00 Uhr (Su)
1., Dorotheergasse 6, U1/U3-Haltestelle Stephansplatz
+43 1 5128230

Those who want to visit another coffee house institution, aside the big Ringroad cafés, we present with the Hawelka. A venue for artists and literary figures in the 1960s and 70s, it has long since reached cult status. From 8pm you simply have to order “Buchteln” (yeast sweet rolls).
Restaurants / restaurants
11.00–24.00 Uhr (Mo–Su)
1., Augustinerstraße 1, U4/U2-Haltestelle Karlsplatz
+43 1 5331026

08.00–24.00 Uhr (Mo–Do), 08.00–01.00 Uhr (Fr&Sa), 09.00–22.00 Uhr (S0)
6., Mariahilfer Straße 114
+43 1 905 96 15

Clacis Beisl
11.00–02.00 Uhr (Mo–Su)
7., Breite Gasse 4, U3-Haltestelle Volkstheater, 49
+43 1 5265660

11.00–24.00 Uhr (Mo–Su)
1., Schulerstraße 20
+43 1 5121017

Bars / bars
Barfly’s Club
20.00–02.00 Uhr (Su–Th), 20.00–04.00 Uhr (Fr&Sa)
6., Esterhazygasse 33, im Hotel Fürst Metternich)
+43 1 5860825

Loos Bar
12.00–04.00 (Mo – Su)
1., Kärntner Durchgang 10, U1/U3-Haltestelle Stephansplatz
+43 1 5123283

Kruger’s American Bar
18.00–03.00 Uhr (Mo–Th), 18.00–04.00 Uhr (Fr&Su)
1., Krugerstraße 5, U4/U2-Haltestelle Karlsplatz
+43 1 5122455